Radiology Services

Our radiology services, provided to the NHS and other healthcare providers

Regional sharing
fronted by 100% lossless VDI

We provide central reporting from our hub to seamlessly share images and reports internally or at a cross consortium level, creating a radiology network giving the hospital a global view of workload

Our solution allows your radiologists to connect from a remote location (anywhere in the world), using our 100% lossless VDI environment to securely access our centralised PACS based reporting platform. 


Regional sharing
fronted by 100% lossless VDI

We provide central reporting from our hub to seamlessly share images and reports internally or at a cross consortium level, creating a radiology network giving the hospital a global view of workload

Our solution allows your radiologists to connect from a remote location (anywhere in the world), using our 100% lossless VDI environment to securely access our centralised PACS based reporting platform. 

We leverage each care providers own resources for their own benefit giving confidence in diagnosis by supporting regional teleradiology (insourcing). To enable this, we provide services such as: workforce scheduling, allocation & prioritisation to ensure that work is reported in the most efficient way and by the most appropriate specialist available.

Once connected, Axon Diagnostics’ Virtual Reporting Hub supports you with teleradiology and subspeciality reporting for any additional capacity required to meet your demands (outsourcing).


We leverage each care providers own resources for their own benefit giving confidence in diagnosis by supporting regional teleradiology (insourcing). To enable this, we provide services such as: workforce scheduling, allocation & prioritisation to ensure that work is reported in the most efficient way and by the most appropriate specialist available.

Once connected, Axon Diagnostics’ Virtual Reporting Hub supports you with teleradiology and subspecialty reporting for any additional capacity required to meet your demands (outsourcing).

Our Services


Better Care Connected

We offer an innovative and collaborative insourced reporting management service which provides a platform that unifies hospitals and facilitates regional capacity sharing and a single point of entry for any, pre-approved radiologist to report against.


Our panel of expert doctors are dedicated to your hospital or region will become a trusted extension to your local team. Access expert radiology reporting from the Axon Diagnostics virtual hospital which enables you to extend your local team with a cost-effective teleradiology solution for extra resource. High quality, fair pricing, fast turnaround times, easy to implement, full access to priors, we look after our radiologists and we give back to the NHS – what more could you want?


Independent audit services for your department. We can offer both clinical audit, covering cause for concern/departmental quality assurance and financial audit to review your current outsourcing spend.


The no compromise solution – powered by MITIS Health VDI

A best-in-class remote/home reporting solution that guarantees 100% lossless image quality designed for primary remote diagnosis.


Provide your Pathology department with a central reporting hub and allows pathologists to connect from a remote location (anywhere in the world), using our 100% lossless VDI environment to securely access our centralized PACS based reporting platform. We can include access to Pathologists under our AXONXtra service.


PACS Hosting with Medical Lossless VDI – Highly Secure Rapid Access: Anytime, Anywhere. Plugin to our full-eco-system, with short & long term VNA Storage and flexible Pay-As-You-Go pricing with no upfront costs.


Axon Diagnostics believes in supporting healthcare providers with the delivery of sustainable solutions for clinical excellence in diagnostics and so we adopt a fair pay and fair charge approach to pricing. We operate on an agile and innovative technology model and as such can pass some cost efficiencies back to our customers offering them a significant discount below market rate and encouraging more sustainable approaches to delivery radiology reporting.

  • Significant discounts below market/RRP as an NHS early adopter.
  • Sign up now, pay later – PAYG, subscription and other flexible pricing options available.
  • £0 integration costs – fast track deployment (if required) at no cost.

To request our pricing or get a quote for a bespoke service please contact us today.


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